Nestlé's Vital Proteins

Wellness & Fitness Industry

Mobile Breakpoint Audit:


Vital Proteins Main Pain Points

Brand Communication

Vital Proteins struggled with poor brand communication on their website, making it difficult for users to understand what made their products unique and valuable. This lack of clarity frustrated users and may have led them to drop out of the site.

Navigation Taxonomy

Another pain point for Vital Proteins was their broken navigation taxonomy. This made it hard for users to find what they were looking for on the site, leading to high bounce rates and low add-to-cart rates. This was a major obstacle for the company as it limited their ability to convert website visitors into paying customers.

Passive Discovery

Vital Proteins also struggled with passive discovery on their website. It was difficult for users to explore products that were relevant to their needs. This was a significant challenge for the company as they sought to attract and retain customers in a competitive marketplace.


Optimizing the brand value to engage with users better.

Vital Proteins is a well-known brand with a large following on social media and strong sales on Amazon, but their direct-to-consumer website was struggling due to poor brand communication, a lack of social proof, poorly-designed calls-to-action, and a lack of visual hierarchy. I implemented UX and CRO best practices to address these issues and improve conversions and click-through rates on the site.


Effective navigation helps users find important information.

The navigation taxonomy for Vital Proteins was improved by organizing the information in a clearer hierarchy and improving visual scanning. As a result, users were able to more easily find and access collection pages, leading to an increase in add-to-cart rates.


Increasing add-to-cart rates through accessibility.

The add-to-cart rates for Vital Proteins were improved by optimizing the product detail page (PDP) to display the most important product information above the fold. This made it easier for users to understand the key features of the product and make a purchase decision. Visual hierarchy was also improved, letting users to scan the page and find the information they needed. In addition, interactions on the PDP were made more accessible through the use of actions and toggles, which helpedav increase conversions and drive sales for the company.

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